Multicrash — Berlin Syndrome October 18, 2013


ARTISTS Hannes Aasamets (EST), Pille-Riin Jaik (EST), Eemil Karila (FIN), Flo Kasearu (EST), Kalle Keskrand (EST), Mikk Madisson (EST), Urmas Muru (EST), Kaido Ole (EST), Alina Orav (EST) and Marta Vaarik (EST)

Life is about getting even. The everyday reality of a city deceives us with it’s safety – driving cars, stopping trains, people stepping onto the platform to get on with their daily routine. They follow a pattern which forms a reality where every instant is a piece glued to a white wallpaper, ready to fall any moment if shaken too hard. As a result, a distorted space becomes forever present. It lurks on us at every step we take. It is a limit to surpass only once with no return.

Escaping oneself is impossible.

Suddenly a split personality emancipates from the rule of a societal order.
A man perceives himself as a woman, a woman recognizes herself as a man and an object becomes a subject in itself. The distorted space becomes a meeting point for split personalities and leads to a total collision – a multicrash.

This is called Berlin syndrome.

Multicrash Berlin Syndrome by Urmas Muru: